Welcome To A Spirit Unbroken!

Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting my online store.  If you have some time, continue reading to learn more about A Spirit Unbroken.

What led to the creation of A Spirit Unbroken:

The idea of A Spirit Unbroken was created, when I was an adolescent.  It represented how I imagined myself to one day be, unbroken, despite what I endured.  At the age of thirteen, I was a victim of childhood trauma, that has forever impacted me.  For many years, I was left to feel betrayed, abandoned, alone, and lost, while experiencing self-blame and a decreased self-esteem.  The pain that accompany these feelings were much for a young teenage girl to bare.  Quite honestly, I nearly did not graduate from Junior High School and was labeled as a truant during my first year of high school.  The emotional pain that I carried as an adolescent was truly difficult, as I was trying to process all that had happened to me, with no real direction.  As a survivor, you are at times thought of as the cause of the abuse you endured, as if somehow it was your fault.  A large part of me knew that what happened to me, was not my fault but I was unintentionally made to view myself as the one to blame as opposed to holding the perpetrator accountable.

I feel fortunate to be who I am and to have accomplished what I have, as I know all too well, the negative impact that childhood trauma can have on the life of a survivor.  It is my belief that people were divinely placed in my life to love me, motivate and encourage me, through their own stories, inspiring words/quotes and simply their consideration and care of me.  

I learned that my experience could not define me.  My experience could not stop me from accomplishing my goals.  My spirit was not broken.  Though I felt that I had to mend pieces of myself, I was a Survivor.  Along the way, my journey toward healing has been challenging to say the least, and life circumstances deterred me from launching A Spirit Unbroken earlier.  But no more!  No more waiting until the "right time".  No more feeling as though my idea is not "good enough" or that my voice is not worth being heard.

Why an online store:

You may be wondering why an online store.  Well, it is my hope that it will be a starting point, that will encourage increased awareness about the topic of childhood trauma.  Often, clothing is a way in which many of us express how we feel as well as the beliefs and values that we hold dear to our hearts.  Having a favorite type of clothing or item, that represents hope, helps to facilitate the process of healing.

Why support A Spirit Unbroken: 

It is the desire of A Spirit Unbroken to represent hope, above all else.    A great passion to support Survivors is at the heart and is the foundation of A Spirit Unbroken.  By supporting, A Spirit Unbroken, you will help to spread the message of hope and resiliency to other Survivors.  By supporting, A Spirit Unbroken, you will help to increase awareness and spark difficult discussion about a sensitive subject, that many often shy away from.   And your support, is an acknowledgement that this cause is one that is important, not just to me but to others.                                                                         

Message To Survivors:

The journey toward healing, will look differently for each of us.  It is my belief, that the important thing to remember is that healing is possible.  We at times require additional support to help us as we journey toward healing.  Additional support may consist of participating in psychotherapy, confiding in someone that you feel you can trust who has your best interest at heart, attending a support group, seeking spiritual counseling, learning more about the trauma that you endured through reading or research or reaching out to a community organization.  Please refer to the resource page for some guidance.

Remember:  Hope is so important.  Hope.. that you can heal.  Hope.. that you will get through this.  Hope.. that you are not your experience.  Instead, you have a strength inside of you that you may not realize and you will not be guided by fear, rather you will maintain hope, and faith.  As you are a Survivor and you are not alone.

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